Serial stories lady swings serial stories
Serial stories lady swings serial stories

serial stories lady swings serial stories

The Brigadier goes to Global Chemicals to request some cutting equipment, but a man named Fell informs him that they do not have such equipment. The Doctor suggests cutting the mineshaft cables linking the two cages together, which would enable him to use the second cage to get down the mine. Bert remembers there is an emergency shaft out of the mine, and he and Jo set off. There, they find Dai, who is turning bright green and dying. The Doctor manages to slow the cage's descent, but his efforts leave Jo and Bert trapped at the bottom of the shaft. When the Doctor and the Brigadier arrive, Dave, the man controlling the cage's descent, finds that the brake has been sabotaged.

serial stories lady swings serial stories

Jo has arrived at the pithead ahead of the Doctor and the Brigadier, and gone down the shaft with a miner called Bert to help another man, Dai Evans, who has called for help at the bottom of the mine. Hinks leaves and Stevens dons a pair of strange headphones. Stevens summons his henchman, Hinks, and tells him in a strange emotionless voice 'nobody must go down the mine'. The two then set off to go down the mine to investigate, despite Stevens' insistence that it should be sealed.

serial stories lady swings serial stories

He then drives down to South Wales in his car, Bessie, and meets the Brigadier at Global Chemicals. The Doctor reaches Metebelis Three, but it is far from the 'blue paradise' he described: He is attacked by various unseen creatures, returning to the laboratory with only a small blue crystal to show for his misadventure. Jo, who is on the environmentalist's side, heads for the mineshaft. He also believes that there is a link between Global Chemicals and Hughes' death-but his research is too demanding for him to go down the mine and investigate. Jones is convinced that the oil-making process must create thousands of gallons of waste. Its headman, Stevens, claims that the plant can 'produce 25% more petrol and diesel fuel from a given quantity of crude oil'-but that the 'Stevens process' only produces a minimal amount of waste.

serial stories lady swings serial stories

The Brigadier's first port of call is the recently opened Global Chemicals oil plant, close to the abandoned mine. The Doctor agrees to follow the Brigadier, but is determined to go to Metebelis Three first. Jo takes this opportunity to meet the acclaimed local environmentalist and Nobel Prize winner Professor Clifford Jones while goes down to investigate the miner's death, taking Jo with him in his car. (July 2011) () The Doctor is making adjustments to the TARDIS' coordinate programmer in preparation for a visit to, when Jo reads in the paper about the mysterious death of a miner named Hughes in the abandoned coal mine in Llanfairfach in South Wales: The miner, doing a monthly inspection of the bottom of the mine shaft, emerged dead and glowing bright green. Please by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. An unique forum to discuss on various topics and to read tamil novels of various authors. Ladyswings is a largest online community for women.

Serial stories lady swings serial stories